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Christina Zois
Special Services Administrative Assistant
Special Education
2017841600, 12224
Carlos Proano
School Psychologist
Special Education
2017841600, 24460
Dominic Russomagno
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
2017841600, 24199
Jordan Sheehan
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
2017841600, 24386
Debra Smith
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
2017841600, 24778
Amanda Wormer
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
2017841600, 24166
Eric Wormer
Special Education Teacher
Special Education
2017841600, 24161
Jessica Amaral
SH Teacher
Summit House
2017677224, 13895
Alexis Avellan
SH Teacher
Summit House
2017677224, 55806
Brianne Baker
Transition Counselor
Summit House
2017677224, 13895
Tina Marie Morisco
SH Teacher
Summit House
2017677224, 13895
Nicole Hodgson
Technology Education Teacher
Technology and Engineering
2017841600, 23131
Steven Maietta
Technology Education Teacher
Technology and Engineering
2017841600, 24889
Ilana Mitlitski
Technology Education Teacher
Technology and Engineering
2017841600, 13557
Robert Wetzel
Technology Education Teacher
Technology and Engineering
2017841600, 13367
Daniella Ashbahian
Teens-N-Tots Teacher
2017841600, 24524
Catherine DeCroce
Teens-N-Tots Aide
Toleen Farah
Teens-N-Tots Aide
Jessica Beebe
Visual Arts Teacher
Visual Arts
2017841600, 24890
Nicole Cole
Visual Arts Teacher
Visual Arts
2017841600, 24527